June 26, 2008

Vegetables from my Garden

Back row: Spinach (left) and Bok Choy (right)
Front: Basil and Green Onions

These vegetables are from my garden!!!!! Yes they certainly are. We had stir-fry bok choy for dinner today and it was certainly delicious. I was surprise how much vegetables I had brought in from the garden.

If you are wondering what I'm doing with my garden, I'm trying out something new this year. Its called Square Foot Gardening. According to this method, you are more efficient at planting. My one patch of garden is a 4'x 4' and it has grids to help you visually plant better. Each grid is 1'x 1' and depending on the type of plants you want on your veggie patch, you can have from 1 to 9 plants in each grid. I've planted okra, green onions, tomato, bell peppers, cayenne pepper, dill, bok choy, spinach, lettuce, strawberries and some seedlings that I forgot to document.

This bottom patch was filled with bok choy, I know some people just pull out the whole plant to harvest but I decided to try just plucking the big leaves. I want to see if this work.. if not I'll just reseed on the same patch again. That's the thing about this Square foot gardening, you easily see where to plant more seeds as things are more organized. The guy that invented this system is an engineer.

Its very easy to construct this veggie patch. I got my hubby to bang in some nails and if you wish to try it out. You just need 2' x 6 x 8' lumber. Go to your local library and see if they have this book called "Square Foot Gardening". They give you detailed instructions and have a list of plants with the correct amount of plants to plant in one grid.

*please ignore the weeds... I do try to pull them out as fast as I can...


Beachlover on 28 June, 2008 21:51 said...

oh my!! syabas to you!!I admire your greens .How do you get your plants grow so healthy??.Hmmmm.I see you have townhouse and you even plant your own vegetable!!so malu la me,have big piece un-used land at my backyard do nothing*blushing*

MJ Tam on 29 June, 2008 16:58 said...

Oh wow! That is definitely one thing I would appreciate...home grown veggies! Growing up my dad always had everything from tomatoes to taro root in our backyard. As much as I hated having to help harvest when I was little, I wish we have that now.

Impressive job Jane! Tarzan and the chimps musta loved their meal...hehe. Can we come over and visit your jungle of a house? Not that it ever looks like a jungle there...but you know -- Jane, Tarzan, etc...

Geraldine on 29 June, 2008 18:58 said...

Beachlover: I think when you have something, we tend to take it for granted.. like if we live by the seaside we won't get excited with the sea... If I have a big land.. I maybe also will not use it.. hahaha

Lee: u read up on my previous posting, your answer is there. http://kwannies.blogspot.com/2007/08/opening-can-of-worms-opps-box-of-worms.html

ICook4Fun on 30 June, 2008 21:08 said...

what a wonderful idea to plant your veggies that way. I am planting everything in a pot now. Have to show your pix to my husband so he can make this for me. Thanks for sharing.

MJ Tam on 07 July, 2008 19:45 said...

Do I have to nudge you for more updates every time? hehe


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