Daddy keeping a close eye on Greg
We were both exhausted running beside him while he tried riding the bike for the first time. Greg kept running into mailboxes, hahaha I can laugh about it now but at that time we cringe seing him heading towards the mailboxes. It was a good thing we taught him how to stop the bike and how to quickly put his feet down to balance himself. He didn't get injured nor did he "kiss" any mailboxes. Phew!!!

Here Greg let me help you.
The next day, Daddy decides to take Greg to Gilly's school to ride his bike. As it is summer and there isn't anybody in school grounds, the parking lot is empty and hey.. no mailboxes!!! Daddy figured it would be easier as Greg could just keep going on and on without having to stop and turn the bike around.
Look mummy, Look
The 3 of them put the bikes into the van and drove to school. After an hour, they came running into the house. Proudly screaming that Greg has "got it". I came out with my camera and there my little rascal with his impish grin jumped on his bike and buzzed about.
Mummy, I made a turn back on my own.
These past few days, the first thing he wants to do is to jump onto his bike and for a bike ride. Daddy did take them for a bike ride to the nearest park. Maybe one of these days we will all bike to the bigger park which is further away.
I'm lovin this... I'm a big boy now.
We can tick off bike training off our summer "To Do" list. We certainly are glad there wasn't any blood or tears shed this time round. We do learn from our experience with the older child and I wish I could have made it easy for us the first time round.. So for all parents who plan to take off the training wheels..... start with a 2-wheel scooter.
Hi Jane, won't be long he'll want a bigger bike...a Mountain bike, ha ha.
But it is fun see kids learning to ride bikes for the first time.
Reading your this post makes me feel warm
By the way, good looking hubby you have.
Have a nice weekend, Lee.
oh!! Good for Greg!!he is a smart boy!!.Mishu still have no idea how to ride her bicycle after having 2 bicycle on 4 wheels.I think I should bring her to park which have even tar surface for her to leanr b4 summer is over..scooter??...hmmmmm
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