August 31, 2008

Easy Satay

A month ago, I bought some Malaysian groceries from My Taste of Asia. I decided to buy some satay sauce for my girlfriend and ended up buying one for myself. Last week, I finally got to try this sauce. I was pretty surprise how good this satay sauce tasted. I used my own satay marinate on the chicken and used this Delimas Satay sauce for dip only. I added some ground peanut into the sauce and it tasted as good as the roadside satay sauce!!!

Do give it a try, you can use the sauce as a marinate as well. I was being frugal as I only bought 1 packet to try it out and I gave the other packet to my girlfriend. shhh!!!!.. I shd have kept it for myself hehehehehe. I'll for sure order more next time.


MJ Tam on 13 September, 2008 14:55 said...

ok, im craving for some now. Too bad I can't do any peanuty stuff at home anymore.


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