October 7, 2008

Sunday's Poncho

*Drum Roll* Ta Da!!!!! Here is the poncho that I was busy working on last Sunday. I finally added the frills today and boy.. it was my first time working on frills and that zigzaggy one was tiring!!! The poms were quiet easy but the time consuming and eye tiring ones were the zigzag. Smart of me to buy a wider zigzag so I had to make sure the top and bottom were sewn. I didnt' want to leave it to chance that it won't curl up after some abuse by my girl. I was afraid of working with the frills as I've never attempted it. I thought my friend would help ahaha but I was too impatient to wait for her and decided to do it on my own. I figured I'm not selling it so what's the harm in attempting it on my own. So ... for now.. the poncho is OK..


MJ Tam on 08 October, 2008 02:49 said...

It looks great! I love it. Let's call it Hipping Skippos...lol You and I will probably be the only one who got that joke. I can't tell from the pic, but did you also add the tassle to the back of the hood? All in all, it looked like the real deal. So good job.

However, next time you should make it just a little bit longer because ponchos are nice when it drapes a bit when she raises her arm without seeing inside. You know what I mean? And besides, she's a growing kid - so it is better to have it just a tad bigger.

BTW--come and make your way to my newly designed blog today (as if I have time) and check out the pics from the wedding. Katie's dress looked adorable.

Geraldine on 08 October, 2008 08:57 said...

oh girl, I'm not worried about her outgrowing the poncho... I'll just make her another one.. *giggles*

Seriously.. its easy to make the poncho, it took me less than 1 hour to sew the poncho. it was the frills that made me see stars. The pattern does come with 2 other designs so... another poncho is coming.

I had one of my piano students trying it on and refused to take it off and she wanted to take it home... man.. that felt good but to Gilly a horror.

Yes, I saw the new look at your blog... it looks so different.

Beachlover on 09 October, 2008 00:07 said...

syabas!! salut to you!! U make a lovely poncho.I like the blue color..I don't think I can make one as beautiful as yours!

junoqua on 09 October, 2008 07:12 said...

wow! Cool poncho. You are truly a jane of all trades. :)

junoqua on 09 October, 2008 07:18 said...

wow! You are truly a jane of all trades my friend!! :)


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