January 5, 2011

Happy New Year !!!!

Happy New Year to you my readers the little few I still have. I had a busy 2010 doing volunteer work in school and church and that kept me from things I loved doing especially knitting. Friends and family, thanks for dropping by to see what we have been doing. 2010 was a nice year for me as we got to enjoy friends, family and we did our first major road trip all the way to Yellowstone National Park.
The year ended even nicer as I got rid of one of my volunteer jobs and that would mean I've more time to knit plus watch TV at night. But the best part of it was knowing that I've a few precious friends in my life that I know has not taken advantage of me and our friendship. They showed me in their own ways, how they appreciated me. I lost a friend who chose to leave my port and its OK. She taught me a few things and most importantly let me discover she introduced me to a better friend.
We had my aunt visit us twice this year and we had a blast during Christmas. It was nice to have family visit since we don't get that too much. It was sad when they left but there is always another visit again.
Kids are growing up quick and I just taught Gilly how to knit. My mom taught me how to knit a few years ago and now my daughter is learning. Maybe she will teach her daughter next time. Greg still loves to build things and maybe one day he will be my engineer or architect.
I hope it will be a good 2011 for all of us and we will come out happier and healthier.
Happy New Year to all that has brightened my life.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a little early for Chinese New Year

Geraldine on 18 January, 2011 07:50 said...

Hi Lee, thanks for stopping by. Yes, we are all the same. We are more the same than different. I'm not worried about walking kids to school since I told my kids that I'll be moving to Vegas when they get married.

Geraldine on 18 January, 2011 07:51 said...

Hi Anonymous, I was greeting the new year of 2011, not the rabbit year as CNY is in February. Thanks for stopping by.


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