March 13, 2012

In the End, All that matters is .....

my hubby
my son
my daughter
and I
This is all I've learnt.
Phones ringing, me answering.
Blah Blah Blah for hours...
Knowing all the blah blah blah will help make the other person feel better.
Knowing it takes an emotional toll myself plus hours of productive time gone.
Off you go, after loading on me, you feel better....
I'm rushing like crazy to catch up with things I put on hold for your calls...
Wishing I could finish my latest project and imagining it all done.. but its just an imaginary ..
All for your depositing on me.
Did I get a Ph.D on psychology? NO... but I sure did a good job of being one
One quacky Dr I've become but hey... no charge on you. Deposit all you want..
One time I would like you to pay attention to me or my family
What do I get? Excuses excuses excuses....
Nothing but excuses or silence..... Gas is too expensive, gotta drive all the way there...
How about all the times I've spent listening to your problems?
All I see is Selfishness, Ignorance and Arrogance.
Blah, blah, blah and sob, sob, sob...
I'm always invited to these type of parties.
How about an invitation to a fun filled, laughing party when you host one at your house?
Nah, Kwannies, you are not good enough for those...
Kwannies, I just need you when I am down and out.
You are not family, you are just my unloader.
These are friends and family that comes in my life....
Either I shut up and be the nice, generous person
Or be the bitch and stand up for myself....
Now, its just gonna be me, hubby and 2 kiddos...
Talk to my hand!!!
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